This is a 3-credit course.
This course will provide in-depth information on physiological, pharmacological and toxic effects of chemical toxins and carcinogens. Each module will contain detailed learning objectives and reading assignments. Students will be graded on their responses to critical thinking exercises linked to the course reading materials, which will require interpretation of research data, clinical data, and toxicological testing methodologies as well as online timed quizzes. Other activities will include online discussions of current news articles and scientific publications that relate to toxicology and biochemistry.
Please review our recommended course order.
Module | Topic |
Module 1 | Principles of Managing the Poisoned Patient |
Module 2 | Carbon Monoxide |
Module 3 | Cyanide and Hydrogen Sulfide |
Module 4 | Acetaminophen |
Module 5 | Salicylates |
Module 6 | Opiods |
Module 7 | Cocaine |
Module 8 | Amphetamines |
Module 9 | Ethanol |
Module 10 | Arsenic |
Module 11 | Lead |
Module 12 | Mercury |
Module 13 | Organophosphate Pesticides |
Module 14 | Hydrocarbons |
Module 15 | Envenomation: Snakes and Other Reptiles |
Required Materials
Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, Nelson et. Al.
11th edition (2019)
Publishing: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 9781259859618
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