Recommended Course Order

Master’s in Forensic Toxicology

  • Forensic Toxicology 1 should be taken before Forensic Toxicology 2, and both completed early in the program.
  • General Toxicology is recommended before Drug Biotransformation & Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity and Toxic Substances.
  • Introduction to Forensic Medicine 1 should be taken before Introduction to Forensic Medicine 2.
  • Lab QA/QC and Applied Statistics for Data Analysis can be taken anytime.
  • Special Topics and Literature Surveys should be taken in the final semester.

Master’s in DNA and Serology

  • Biological Evidence & Serology and Bloodstain Pattern Analysis should be completed early.
  • Forensic Genetics and Forensic Immunology should be completed before Principles of Nucleotide Activity, Metabolic Biochemistry, and Forensic Analysis of DNA.
  • Mammalian Molecular Biology should be completed after all of the above listed courses.
  • Laboratory QA/QC and Applied Statistics for Data Analysis must be completed before the final semester.
  • Special Topics and Literature Surveys must be completed in the final semester.

Master’s in Forensic Drug Chemistry

  • Principles of Forensic Science, Forensic Toxicology 1 and Laboratory QA/QC are recommened to be taken before any of the other courses.
  • Applied Statistics for Data Analysis and Laboratory QA/QC can be taken anytime.
  • Special Topics and Literature Surveys should be taken in the final semester.

Master’s in Forensic Science

  • Forensic Toxicology I, Biological Evidence and Principles of Forensic Science should be completed early in the program.
  • Introduction to Forensic Medicine 1 should be completed before Introduction to Forensic Medicine 2.
  • Environmental Forensics 1 should be completed before taking Environmental Forensics 2.
  • Principles of Forensic Science should be completed before Advanced Criminalistics 2.
  • Special Topics and Literature Surveys must be completed in the final semester.

Certificate in Forensic Death Investigation

  • Introduction to Forensic Medicine 1 should be taken before Introduction to Forensic Medicine 2.

See more about the certificate in Forensic Death Investigation

The following may not require courses to be taken in a particular order: