Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry
PHA 6471 Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry


This is a 3-credit course.


This course focuses on the methods used in the synthesis of organic compounds with particular attention to medicinal products and illicit substances. Students are expected to utilize information presented in each module to develop and complete their module assignments. Other activities will include online discussions of course topics and current issues that relate to the synthesis of medicinal products and illicit substances.


Module Topic
Module 1 Functional Groups
Module 2 Reactions Involved in Illicit Drug Synthesis I
Module 3 Reactions Involved in Illicit Drug Synthesis II
Module 4 Amphetamines, Methamphetamine and MDMA
Module 5 Phencyclidine
Module 6 Opiates
Module 7 Cocaine
Module 8 LSD
Module 9 Clandestine Laboratories
Module 10 Emerging Synthetic Drugs


Please review our recommended course order.

Required Materials

No required materials

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