Forensic Genetics
PHA 6855 Forensic Genetics


This is a 3-credit course.


This is a foundation course in human molecular genetics designed to provide an understanding of basic genetic principles. This precursor to forensic DNA analysis will address some of the important issues in genetics including genome mapping and the role of gene dysfunction in disease.


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 Introduction to Forensic Genetics
Module 2 The Basic Principles of Inheritance
Module 3 The Molecular Structure of Chromosomes and DNA Replication
Module 4 Making Genes Work
Module 5 Population Genetics and The Human Genome Project
Module 6 DNA Profiling and Forensic Investigation
Module 7 Interpretation and Applications of Forensic DNA Analysis
Module 8 Mutation and DNA Repair

Recommended Materials

Human and Molecular Genetics
Author: Peter Sudbery and Ian Sudbery
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited; 3rd edition 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0132051576
ISBN-10: 0132051575

Author: P.C. Winter, G.I. Hickley and H.L. Fletcher
Publisher: BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited; 2nd edition (6/1/2002)
ISBN: 1859962629

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