Forensic Analysis of DNA
PHA 6851 Forensic Analysis of DNA


This is a 3-credit course.


This course will introduce students to the evaluation of biological evidence in criminal matters using DNA technologies, including the methods routinely used for the isolation of DNA from cells and techniques applied to DNA quantitation, electrophoretic separation, as well as data analysis, interpretation and reporting.


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 DNA Introduction
Module 2 Quality Assurance and Validation
Module 3 DNA Isolation
Module 4 DNA Quantitation
Module 5 DNA Amplification
Module 6 DNA Separation
Module 7 DNA Data Analysis
Module 8 Interpretation and Reporting

Required Materials

Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology
Author John Butler
1st Edition, August 4, 2011
ISBN 9780123745132

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