Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
PHA 6856 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis


This is a 3-credit course.


This course will address the principles of bloodstain pattern creation and analysis as they pertain to biological evidence.  It will also include instruction for appropriate recording, collecting, and processing of bloodstains and bloodstain patterns.

* Prior to the Spring 2024 term, PHA 6856 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis was previously named “Blood Distribution and Spatter”


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 History of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and the Medium of Blood
Module 2 Modern Terminology and Classification
Module 3 Methodology
Module 4 Motion and Directionality
Module 5 Origin and Convergence
Module 6 Documenting and Crime Scene Reconstruction
Module 7 Testing and Enhancement
Module 8 Presentation and Courtroom Testimony

Required Materials

  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an introduction to crime scene reconstruction.  Bevel and Gardner.  3rd edition.  ISBN 13:978-1-4200-5268-8

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