Biological Evidence and Serology
PHA 6853 Biological Evidence and Serology


This is a 3-credit course.


This course is structured to provide the basic concepts of forensic serology as it applies to the collection, preservation and testing of biological evidence. Each module will be supplemented with figures, animations, and links to appropriate websites that will provide the materials necessary for course completion. This course will use an ongoing case study to reinforce concepts and to combine individual topics covered in each module. Grades will be based on performance on the assignments accompanying each module, as well as online quizzes. Other activities will include online discussions of course topics and current issues that relate to forensic serology and biological evidence.


Please review our recommended course order.


Module Topic
Module 1 Crime Scene Investigation – Biological Evidence
Module 2 Processing Biological Evidence
Module 3 Laboratory Analysis of Biological Evidence (Blood)
Module 4 Laboratory Analysis of Biological Evidence (Semen and Other Biological Evidence)
Module 5 Species of Origin and Serology Separation Techniques
Module 6 Introduction to Blood Spatter
Module 7 Introduction to DNA Analysis
Module 8 Court Room Testimony

Recommended Materials

Criminalistics: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques,
Author: Richard Saferstein
Publisher: Pearson; 13th Edition (2021)
ISBN-13: 9780137542512 (2021 update for e-text)

Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques,
Author: Stuart H. James, Jon J. Nordby Ph.D., Suzanne Bell
Publisher: CRC; 5th edition, 2019
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1138048126
ISBN-10: 1138048127
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, Routledge

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